A midday day start that lead to another midnight finish. We arrived and quickly decided to check out the engine. Then moved onto removing the gas tank to check out the fuel lines. This proved to be quite the task, and this was Luke and I starting to remove the bolts to free the fuel tank. While we did this Tom and Devon removed a few pieces from the engine, and then cleaned out the interior. Once Luke and I had removed all of the bolts that held on the engine; we then enlisted the help of the others to remove it. After that it was a trip out for food and tips on how to clean the engine. We realized we needed a lot of new hoses to get all of the engine parts to function as well as get gas from the tank to the engine. After lunch it was a full on project to clean the interior and assess the rust damage.(Mostly located on the drivers side floor board that will need to be cut out, and have a plate put in.) Otherwise it was in great shape, and with all of the electronics for the most part minus sound systems working we don't have a lot of hard work to do in that area. We tested the spark plugs, and a few other systems in the jeep. We then cleaned the seats and began planning what are next move would be. Our wort experience was that no matter what we did our used we could not get the steering wheel off. So we just hack sawed it off so we could work on the dash and console free from the body. While all that was going on it is a continuous treasure hunt around my grandfather's property for parts and tools. Stay tuned for one more update before summer kicks off completely.
LaborJordon Bogat, Luke Mollnow, Thomas McCrill |